🏉 Life Tip By Heisman Generation 🏈
1916 GaTech V Cumberland 🏈 Give yourself the Immortal Dignity of no less than 1916 GaTech, and twice give yourself the 🏈🏈 RudyLike Super Honorable Agility of Cumberland
Cartoonists are “Pets”.
Metaphorically I was raised like a pet cat and fed a poor metaphorical diet. For example: Parents raised us with love, AND a lifetime of chaotic commands, not ordered commands (if possible) and the inner turmoil lasted.
Chocolate is proverbially bad for cat tummies, but we were raised on mostly Chocolate or influenced to want normalized any bad things. 🍾🍸
Wounded is wounded. A man with no limbs is still allowed to like his life. Only a monster would say anyone should not be happy.
My bullies and even my underage secret cyberbullies get rewarded from hurting me.
I want to make a small report on all the cartoon or video game artists I have watched unironically religiously (a bit too much? no)
WiP (work in progress) WordPress Page, last revisions or new text, was November 26th Tuesday 2024
no. 1