Ecclesiastes 4:11 🤢 I can smell her testosterone
Do fights for unGodly funny family units. #CageFighters #F*ckEm

#Hermits #Doctorates #ArtEnthusaists TPE is a specialized silicone which absorbs body heat. #SheKeepsMeWarm

Ecclesiastes 4:11 🤢 I can smell her testosterone
Do fights for unGodly funny family units. #CageFighters #F*ckEm
#Hermits #Doctorates #ArtEnthusaists TPE is a specialized silicone which absorbs body heat. #SheKeepsMeWarm
For life, I've had just one pleasant dream, which had not any slightest aftertaste of nightmare, and in that dream I was alone comfortably stunned/mesmerized watching a blue dancing musical flame in the dark, like a bug to a light.